My gut started bothering me a week or so before the last GenCon.
I had a previously set appointment for Aug. 21st and told my Family Dr., who recommended a CT Scan two days hence.
It detected a mass.
I was scheduled for a colonoscopy 5 days later, the 28. The day I found out I had colon cancer, even though I was not scheduled for another test for a year. It was guesstimated to be small and require that no more than 7 or 8 inches of my colon.
On Sept 28th they removed half of my colon and a tumor my surgeon characterized as "...big as (his) fist".
Two days ago, Nov. 14th, I had the first of twelve chemical infusions to be administered every two weeks over the next six months. I have already experienced brief flashes of some of the platinum's side effects; I understand they only get more intense and of longer duration. Last night I stuck two fingers into a jar of cold pickles and thought I was grabbing a Taser on low power. Drinking cold water feels like drinking slushees.
I want to write about what all of this has been like. I will.
I want to keep writing about games and gaming. I will.
I have several projects mentally assembled but yet to be born, but born they will be.
I have two collaborations/assignments that need to be done. They will be.
I cannot promise how often I will be able to post here over the next 6 months; I'm told to expect flashes of "chemo-brain". But I will, when I can.
When asked at GameHole Con two weeks ago what was driving me, I said that the two fuels I intended to rely upon are Ornery and Acerbic.
To the countless people that have sent me prayers, good vibes, sincere wishes of many sorts, many of them from folks I have never met: You overwhelm me with your love and support; that is what will get me through the bad days ahead.