In recent weeks I have found myself, as part of an exciting
new project I have embarked upon, doing a lot of synopsizing what some have
come to see as complex or confusing concepts. One example that springs to mind
is the old stat known as Armor or Armor Class (AC). In OD&D it was a really simple system that ranked plain old street
clothes as AC9, while at the other end of the non-magical spectrum was plate
mail and a shield at AC2
If Hit Points (HP) are considered to be your ability to
avoid/evade a mortal blow (which they were in OD&D), then AC was how hard you were “to hit” (in this case
threaten your well-being to some degree).
“To Hit” is another term that does not exactly mean what it
seems to mean based on just the words. Confused yet? Consider “the Mountain”
from Game of Thrones on HBO. This is
one HUGE dude encased in metal. If three or four puny (normal-sized) guys attack
him, chances are that their weapons will actually make physical contact with
The Mountain lots of times; this is not what is referenced in “To Hit”. Of
those several physical contacts, only a small proportion of them will actually
strike with a potential to do actual damage; i.e. pierce the armor at a weak point or joint, or slice or pierce
some flesh. Those are what are winnowed out of the combat to be represented by
the To Hit number.
Back t0 AC; something as small and ephemeral as a pixie or
sprite, or small and quick like a stirge would be somewhat difficult to simply
swat out of the air like an over-sized wasp. To simulate that facet of their
being I make them hard “to hit” by giving them a very good AC.
(OD&D had a
descending AC system starting at 9 and going down; other systems use an
ascending system, where 1 is street togs and 7 or 8 is really buff. Readjust
this in your head to match your system; the concepts remain constant. Something
slow and ponderous, such as a pachyderm, would be easier to strike, but the thickness
of the skin somewhat mitigates this as well as the high number of HP an
elephant or mammoth might have.)
AC does not always indicate what is being worn. AC is a
combination of several concepts, not only the weight of the metal being worn.
To maintain perspective remember this: we were trying to
bring miniatures to the table top. Several of the seemingly complex
considerations and calculations were second nature to miniatures gamers. We
tried to abstract a lot of what was second nature in minis to a whole new
milieu—Table-top Role-playing (and this before it was even called role-playing).
Once this concept is grasped in the abstract, it then
becomes more clear why extraordinary attributes can affect AC, or otherwise
make the PC harder “To Hit”. These same attributes also can grant the PC more
HP, all in recognition of how that last, fatal blow is just that, fatal. I have
never counted anything more than “dead”; hit 0 HP and you died. Whether or not
your PC can be Raised or Resurrected is another matter entirely. We had PC’s
brought back from dead several times, although not always with absolute best
But anyway, that’s what we meant.